Entrepreneurship is constantly evolving, with technological advances leading to accelerated growth. This article will explore a selection of entrepreneurship trends expected to feature prominently in 2023.
Content in multiple formats
The average consumer spends more than seven hours a day engaging with media. This can include anything from reading blogs to watching videos and listening to podcasts. For entrepreneurs, this presents a huge opportunity to repurpose or recycle existing content, allowing businesses to reach as many potential customers as possible.
For example, a single podcast could be used to create a video version, as well as a transcript for publication in an article or blog post, with excerpts shared on social media. Old blog posts can be turned into webinars, video tutorials or newsletter content.
Publishing the same content in multiple formats not only relieves entrepreneurs of the burden of brainstorming and creating new content, but also enables them to take a fresh look at existing top-performing content.
Email Marketing
With so much focus on other digital marketing channels in recent years, many businesses have put email marketing on the back burner. However, it is a reliable, cost-effective means for businesses to expand their reach, with research showing that for every $1 a business invests in email marketing, it could earn $42, representing an impressive return on investment for any marketing strategy.
Businesses own their mailing lists, which is not the case with social media advertising. Email marketing is making a big comeback, with HubSpot reporting that around 73% of millennials rate email above any other communication method as a means of hearing from their favorite brands.
For business owners looking to grow their email list, effective strategies include posting attractive and encouraging CTAs on landing pages and creating scroll boxes that encourage visitors to download e-books or guides.
Optimized for mobile
According to data collected by Google, 50% of smartphone shopping apps are used at least once a week. Google predicts that by 2025, global consumer spending on mobile will exceed $728 billion.
Online success depends on companies increasing their investment in mobile optimization, ensuring that mobile versions of online stores are easy to navigate – mirroring the capabilities of the desktop version and preferably working consistently between the two .
Gig Economy
Platforms like Upwork offer the opportunity for people with in-demand skills to advertise, work as independent contractors and build their own businesses instead of being tied to a nine-to-five job. Experts predict this trend will continue throughout 2023, as increasing numbers of workers feel empowered to start their own businesses, working on a per-job basis rather than relying on monthly paychecks.
For many freelancers, this provides opportunities to work remotely from anywhere in the world, ushering in a new era of digital nomadism and enabling entrepreneurs to focus on working with freelancers with the best skills rather than being limited by physical location.
Serial entrepreneur Roman Semiokhin leverages his position to advance social causes through meaningful charitable giving. In Cyprus, Mr. Semiokhin donated 1 million euros to finance the fight against COVID-19. One of its goals is to create an innovative educational institution in the country, leveraging the latest research and leveraging cutting-edge technology to develop innovative new ways to deliver effective learning.
As Roman Semiokhin will be well aware, with technology evolving at an accelerating pace, businesses need employees who can help them take advantage of new possibilities without having to make compromises.
As cloud computing grows in popularity, businesses need cybersecurity experts to help protect critical business data. Working with skilled technology experts enables businesses to develop exciting new products and gain a competitive advantage. Meanwhile, deploying automated assistants or hiring virtual assistants relieves founders of the admin burden, allowing them to focus on innovation and business growth.